The Concertino de los Filabres arrives in California

The Concertino de los Filabres arrives in California

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The composition inspired in the Sierra de los Filabres mountain range and written for four trumpets and band will be performed for the first time in California next August. The Coastal Communities Concert Band conducted by Tom Cole and the trumpeters Richard Radosh, Patrick Russo, Don Sharp and Les Samenow will be the performers of this new release.

Appart from the performance of the Concertino de los Filabres, the concert program will include other works such as West Side Story, Carmen, Blue Rondo a la Turk, Broawday Spectacular, Satchmo, etc. The event, titled Summer Pops Concert, will take place at Jefferson Community Church Carlsband & Pine on August, 16th 2.00 p.m. You can buy tickets by clicking here.


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