Pérez Garrido will have his Op.51 premiered in New York City

Pérez Garrido will have his Op.51 premiered in New York City

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Fifteen Minutes of Fame has selected the composition 0:51, Op.51 by Javier Pérez Garrido to be premiered in New York City. His piece is composed for solo clarinet and will be played by Dr. Bruce Curlette on September.

Kenyon Wilson (US), Christiaan Venter (CANADA), Juan Maria Solare (ARGENTINA), Sean O´Boile (AUSTRALIA), Javier Pérez Garrido (SPAIN), Kit Mills (US), Manuel Torres Arias (MEXICO), David Morneau (US), Peri Mauer (US), Nebojsa S. Macura (SERBIA), Vladimir Karpenko (KAZAKHSTAN), Austin Jaquith (US), David Drexler (US), Erik Branch (US) and David Bohn (US) have been the selected contestants who will premiere their works in New York City.

0:51, Op.51 is a composition where the number 51 is the main structural element. Relly influenced by jazz, this piece is plenty of rythm and life.

Dr. Curlette is an active performer who has been featured on national venues such as the Oklahoma Clarinet Symposium and the national conference for the National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors. Prior to his tenure at Cedarville, Dr. Curlette was a member of the Grand Rapids Symphony and the Pittsburgh Ballet Orchestra. He received his M.M. degree in clarinet performance from Eastman School of Music in 1981 and his D.M.A. degree in clarinet performance from The Ohio State University in 1991.

Fifteen Minutes of Fame in collaboration with Composer's Voice Festival will be having this concert on September 9th -Jan Hus Church (351 East 74th Street)-.


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