Program notes
First Prize and Honorable Mention by XVI National Composition Competition "Villa de Pozo Estrecho".
El Castillo evokes the events happened in the village of Seron, Almeria (Spain). From its bloody warriors episodes until its colorful festivities, the composer walks through this fantastic village. This work was composed between 2005 and 2008 and released on April 26th, 2008 in Pozo Estrecho.
Contact composer:
Asociación Musical "El Castillo" de Serón, Almería
April 16th, 2008
Salón de Actos del Centro Cívico from Pozo Estrecho (Murcia, SPAIN)
Sociedad Artístico Musical “Santa Cecilia” de Pozo Estrecho / J. M. Peñarrocha Desco, conductor
To my friends from Serón, Almería (Spain)